This past week we spent more time working on our Annotated Bibliographies and then launched into the Columbian Exchange and Transatlantic Slave Trade. The Central Historical Question we evaluated was as follows: How did people experience the Middle Passage? We looked at five different historical documents (primary and secondary sources) and gained a greater understanding of what took place on the ships. We then linked the lesson from the past to the present and slightly changed the central question to read as follows: How are students today experiencing the middle passage of life? Students were able to read responses from students of the last six years and see how they are experiencing this middle passage of life. We also viewed the following video as we prepared to study the Middle Passage.
This past week we were able to move into the new school and begin connecting!!! This has been the highlight of the week! Interacting with my classes and getting to feel of the culture of each class and how to gear my teaching towards the culture of each class has been awesome. I've missed it and grateful to have that interaction with these incredible students. One of the best ways I am able to connect with my students every year is through the power of stories. When I tell stories in class, there is always a purpose and it will always connect with what we will learn over the span of 3-5 lessons. It is intentional and purposeful. Harvard University published a great article outlining the power of stories in the academic setting (see link below). As we move forward into weeks 6 & 7, we will be learning about European Exploration and the reasons for it (God, Gold, Glory and Greed), the Slave Trade and the Columbian Exchange. The stories I tell in class correlate with and reenforce what these lessons will teach us. As we wrap up our first unit on Monday & Tuesday of next week (September 30th and October 1st), students will be presented with a menu of FIVE (5) essay options that they can do for their Unit 1 Final. Students will only select ONE (1) of the essays to do and it will be entirely up to them as to which one they do. This, too, is intentional and the power of student choice in the classroom has been well studied and documented. Enjoy the readings below : )
This past week, students were expected to get themselves caught up in class. Like you, I was sad to learn we would not be able to access the building. I was also sad not to be able to give our lesson on 9/11. In lieu of that lesson, I had the honor and opportunity to do a run with the Westlake Lacrosse team on 9/11 to honor those who died and to help bring a greater unity to our community. Click the button below to read the write up on our HONOR Run.
As we've wrapped up our Open Lab and get to move into the school next week, we've managed to complete an incredible feat! Over 1,300 assignments were submitted! This past week, students learned more about indigenous peoples in North America and about two Ancient Civilizations in Mesoamerica: The Maya and Aztec. Next week, we hit the ground running wherein we will learn about 9/11 and do an in class activity to practice our historical thinking skills through an in class assignment referred to as "The Lunchroom Fight." I'm excited to meet all of you next week!
AuthorMy name is Captain Danny Horne. I am going into my 12th year of teaching for the 2019-2020 school year. I have a Masters Degree from BYU in Educational Leadership, a Bachelor's from UVU in History/Military Science and I am endorsed to teach Special Education (taught it for 5 years), Gifted & Talented (A.L.L.), Coach, and to be an Administrator in schools. In other words, I am more than qualified to do what I do. I'm close to being done with a second Master's Degree, but have put that on hold as I explore Doctorate programs. I speak Polish, some English, love learning and speaking Spanish with students and I'm learning Italian because ...why not? I am also the Varsity Head Coach for Westlake Lacrosse, which is a great honor! I get to do two of my passions in life outside of being a husband and father: Teaching and Coaching. Archives
November 2019